Campanha de Vacinação contra a Poliomielite - Projeto pessoal
O governo brasileiro disponibiliza gratuitamente a vacina contra a Poliomielite, doença gravíssima que pode causar paralisia.
Apesar da campanha oficial feita pelo governo, apenas metade das crianças até cinco anos foram vacinadas até o momento! Me senti comovida e criei essa arte para ser compartilhada nas redes sociais.
Poliomyelitis vaccination campaign - Personal project
The Brazilian government gives free-charge vaccines against Poliomyelitis, a severe disease that can cause paralysis. Despite the official campaign done by the government, only half of the children under five have been vaccinated so far!
I felt moved and created this art to be shared on social media.
I felt moved and created this art to be shared on social media.
Color Chart
I used a gentle green color chart due to its association with health care and its calming effect.
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Follow me on Instagram! @danielacastro_studio